Midi Crawler

urządzenie do sondowaniaBAARS owns the most technologically advanced equipment in the world that is used to conduct CPT static probe soundings. We utilize the equipment from renowned Dutch companies, which are some of the most important CPT and CPTU sounding equipment manufacturers. The Mini Crawler is a lightweight, self-propelled crawler unit owned by BAARS and intended for special tasks. Rubber, extendable crawler tracks enable travelling on soft and hard ground. Mini Crawler has 4 disc anchors that enable achieving a pushing force of up to 200 kN.

Mini Crawler is perfect for investigations in demanding conditions – in places where access is hindered, e.g., by peat bogs, swamps, forest areas, flood embankments, highly urbanized areas, railway stations and routes. Our probe is equipped with testing equipment that complies with the following standards: IGO 1, ISO 22476, Eurocode 7, ISSMGE and ASTM.

Furthermore, within our operations we also use a Marchetti’s dilatometer for DMT tests, equipped with a state-of-the-art control system, a seismic module and the only VIDEOCONE in Poland.


Even up to 50 linear metres per day.


Testing on land and between single-track rails.


Investigations in any conditions and location.


Equipment category:

  • first acc. to NGI
  • TC 16 acc. to the Technical Committee
  • first acc. to International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)

Our static probe is equipped with instruments that enable conducting penetration tests in compliance with such international standards as:

  • NEN 3680,
  • NEN 5140,
  • DIN 4094-1,
  • NF P94-113,
  • ISO 22476-1,
  • ISO 22476-12,
  • Eurocode 7,
  • ISSMGE standard ASTM D3441-98,
  • ASTM D5778-07,
  • ASTM D6067-96 Covers class 1 CPTU piezocone tests and dissipation tests,
  • IGO 1.

